Bootstrap atan Javascript a awm bawk

Bootstrap components te chu jQuery leh Ender nena thawk thei plugin thar, custom hmangin nunna pe rawh .

← Bootstrap in lamah kir leh rawh

He plugin hi bootstrap topbar-a scrollspy (auto updating nav) interaction dahna tur a ni.

Internet atanga thil lachhawng

Boostrap-scrollspy.js hmangin

  1. $ ( '#topbar' tih chu a ni). dropdown () a ni.

Markup a ni

I nav-a awlsam taka scrollspy behavior dah tur chuan data-scrollspyattribute chu .topbar.

  1. <div class = "topbar" data-scrollspy = "a chhuahna tur hmun" > ... </div>

Thiltih dan tur

$().scrollspy() a ni.

Auto hian navigation button te chu a hmangtute scroll position hmangin a activate thin.

  1. $ ( 'taksa > .topbar' ). scrollSpy () a ni.

Hriat tur Topbar anchor tag te hian resolvable id target an nei tur a ni. Entirnan, a <a href="#home">home</a>chu dom-a thil awm ang chi nen a inmil tur a <div id="home"></div>ni.

.scrollspy(‘refresh’) tih a ni.

Scrollspy hian nav button leh section coordinate te chu performance atan a cache thin. He cache hi update i mamawh chuan (dynamic content i neih a nih a rinawm) he refresh method hi call mai rawh. I scrollspy define nan data attribute i hman chuan body-ah refresh ko mai rawh.

  1. $ ( 'taksa' ). scrollspy ( ‘thar thar’ ) tih a ni.

Demo a ni

He page-a the topbar navigation hi en la.

He plugin hian tab leh pill functionality rang tak, chak tak a belhchhah a ni.

Internet atanga thil lachhawng

Boostrap-tabs.js hmangin

  1. $ ( '.tabs' tih chu a ni). tabs te chu () .

Markup a ni

data-tabsJavascript engmah ziak lovin tab emaw pill navigation emaw chu a emaw data-pillsattribute emaw pe mai maiin i activate thei ang .

  1. <ul class = "tabs" data-tabs = "tabs" > ... </ul> tih hi a awmzia a awm lo

Thiltih dan tur

$().tabs emaw $().pills emaw a ni thei

Container pek tawh tan tab leh pill functionality a activate thin. Tab link te hian document chhunga id te chu a reference tur a ni.

  1. < ul class = "tabs" te hi a ni
  2. <li class = "active" ><a href = "#in" > In leh lo </a></li>
  3. <li><a href = "#profile" > A chhuahna tur hmun leh a hmanna tur hmun </a></li>
  4. <li><a href = "#thuchah" > Thuchah </a></li>
  5. <li><a href = "#settings" > A chhuahna tur hmun leh a hmanna tur hmun </a></li>
  6. </ul> tih a ni
  8. <div class = "pill-a awm" >
  9. <div class = "active" id = "in" > ... </div> tih a ni
  10. <div id = "profile" > ... </div> tih hi a ni
  11. <div id = "thuchah" > ... </div> tih a ni
  12. <div id = "settings" > ... </div> tih a ni
  13. </ul> tih a ni
  15. <script> tih a ni
  16. $ ( hnathawh () { .
  17. $ ( '.tabs' tih chu a ni). tabs te chu () .
  18. }) tih a ni.
  19. </script> tih a ni

Demo a ni

Raw denim i la hre lo mai thei jean shorts Austin. A rilru a hah lutuk chuan a rilru a buai em em a, a rilru a hah lutuk chuan a rilru a buai em em bawk a. Retro synth master cleanse. A rilru a hah lutuk chuan a rilru a buai em em a, a rilru a hah lutuk chuan a rilru a buai em em bawk a. A rilru a buai em em a, a rilru a hah em em bawk a. dreamcatcher synth. Cosby sweater eu banh mi, qui irure terry richardson ex squid a ni a, a man pawh a tlawm hle. A rilru a buai em em a, a rilru a hah em em bawk a. salvia cillum iphone. Seitan aliquip quis cardigan american thawmhnaw, sa thattu voluptate nisi qui.

Food truck fixie locavore, accusamus mcsweeney's marfa nulla single-origin coffee squid. Exercitation +1 labore velit, blog sartorial PBR leggings next level wes anderson artisan four loko farm-to-table craft beer twee. Qui photo booth letterpress, commodo enim craft beer mlkshk aliquip jean shorts ullamco ad vinyl cillum PBR. Homo nostrud organic, assumenda labore aesthetic magna delectus mollit. Keytar helvetica VHS salvia yr, vero magna velit sapiente labore stumptown. Vegan fanny pack odio cillum wes anderson 8-bit, sustainable jean shorts beard ut DIY ethical culpa terry richardson biodiesel. Art party scenester stumptown, tumblr butcher vero sint qui sapiente accusamus tattooed echo park.

Banksy do proident, brooklyn photo booth delectus sunt artisan sed organic exercitation eiusmod four loko. Quis tattooed iphone esse aliqua. Master cleanse vero fixie mcsweeney's. Ethical portland aute, irony food truck pitchfork lomo eu anim. Aesthetic blog DIY, ethical beard leggings tofu consequat whatever cardigan nostrud. Helvetica you probably haven't heard of them carles, marfa veniam occaecat lomo before they sold out in shoreditch scenester sustainable thundercats. Consectetur tofu craft beer, mollit brunch fap echo park pitchfork mustache dolor.

Sunt qui biodiesel mollit officia, fanny pack put a bird on it thundercats seitan squid ad wolf bicycle rights blog. Et aute readymade farm-to-table carles 8-bit, nesciunt nulla etsy adipisicing organic ea. Master cleanse mollit high life, next level Austin nesciunt american apparel twee mustache adipisicing reprehenderit hoodie portland irony. Aliqua tofu quinoa +1 commodo eiusmod. High life williamsburg cupidatat twee homo leggings. Four loko vinyl DIY consectetur nisi, marfa retro keffiyeh vegan. Fanny pack viral retro consectetur gentrify fap.

Jason Frame ziah jQuery.tipsy plugin tha tak atanga siam; twipsy hi updated version a ni a, image-ah a innghat lo va, animation atan css3 a hmang a, title storage atan data-attribute a hmang bawk!

Internet atanga thil lachhawng

Bootstrap-twipsy.js hmangin

  1. $ ( '#entirna' ). twipsy ( duhthlan tur ) .

Thil thlan theih a ni

Hming lampang hlawhchhamna hrilhfiahna
animate tih hi a ni boolean a ni dik tooltip ah css fade transition hmangin apply rawh
delayIn tih a ni a zat 0 a ni tooltip (ms) a lantir hmain delay rawh.
delayOut a ni a zat 0 a ni tooltip thup hmaa delay (ms) .
fallback a ni hrui '' tih a ni. tooltip title awm loh huna hman tur text
dahna tur hmun a ni hrui 'chungah' tooltip dah dan - a chungah | a hnuaiah | veilam | dik
html tih a ni boolean a ni diklo tooltip chhunga html content a phalsak
nung boolean a ni diklo event handler pakhat zel hmang lovin event delegation hmang zawk ang che
offset a ni a zat 0 a ni target element atanga tooltip atanga pixel offset a ni
nihna string | thiltih 'nihna' title text lakchhuahna tur attribute emaw method emaw a ni
ti per hrui 'hover' a ti a. tooltip a trigger dan - hover | focus | kuta thawh

Thiltih dan tur

$().twipsy(thil thlan theih) .

Element collection pakhatah twipsy handler a dah tel bawk.

.twipsy('tihlan rawh')

A elements twipsy a pholang.

  1. $ ( '#element' tih chu a ni). twipsy ( 'tihlan rawh' ) .

.twipsy(‘thup’) tih a ni.

A elements twipsy a thup thin.

  1. $ ( '#element' tih chu a ni). twipsy ( ‘thup’ ) tih a ni.

.twipsy(dik tak) .

Elements twipsy class instance a rawn pe leh thin.

  1. $ ( '#element' tih chu a ni). twipsy ( dik tak ) .

Notice A nih loh leh, hei hi $().data('twipsy').

Demo a ni

Tight pants next level keffiyeh i la hre lo ngei ang. Thlalak booth hmul raw denim letterpress vegan palai bag stumptown. Farm-to-table seitan, mcsweeney-a fixie sustainable quinoa 8-bit american apparel te chuan terry richardson vinyl chambray an nei a, an thil siam chu an hlim hle. Beard stumptown, cardigans banh mi lomo zing khawvar. Tofu biodiesel williamsburg marfa, pali loko mcsweeney chuan vegan chambray a tifai a. A rilru a buai em em a , a rilru a hah em em bawk a, a rilru a buai em em bawk a, a rilru a hah em em bawk a, a rilru a hah em em bawk a, a rilru a hah em em bawk a . twitter handle freegan cred raw denim single-origin coffee viral.

Popover plugin hian i application-a popover dah belh theihna tur interface awlsam tak a pe a. Boostrap-twipsy.js plugin a tizau a , chuvangin i project-a popovers i dah tel hunah chu file pawh chu la ve ngei ang che!

Internet atanga thil lachhawng

Boostrap-popover.js hmangin

  1. $ ( '#entirna' ). popover ( duhthlan tur ) .

Thil thlan theih a ni

Hming lampang hlawhchhamna hrilhfiahna
animate tih hi a ni boolean a ni dik tooltip ah css fade transition hmangin apply rawh
delayIn tih a ni a zat 0 a ni tooltip (ms) a lantir hmain delay rawh.
delayOut a ni a zat 0 a ni tooltip thup hmaa delay (ms) .
fallback a ni hrui '' tih a ni. tooltip title awm loh huna hman tur text
dahna tur hmun a ni hrui 'dik' tooltip dah dan - a chungah | a hnuaiah | veilam | dik
html tih a ni boolean a ni diklo tooltip chhunga html content a phalsak
nung boolean a ni diklo event handler pakhat zel hmang lovin event delegation hmang zawk ang che
offset a ni a zat 0 a ni target element atanga tooltip atanga pixel offset a ni
nihna string | thiltih 'nihna' title text lakchhuahna tur attribute emaw method emaw a ni
lungawi string | thiltih ‘data-thu awm’ tih a ni. content text lakchhuah dan tur attribute emaw method emaw a ni
ti per hrui 'hover' a ti a. tooltip a trigger dan - hover | focus | kuta thawh

Thiltih dan tur

$().popover(thil thlan theih) .

Element collection pakhat atan popovers a initialize thin.

.popover('tihlan rawh') tih a ni.

A elements popover a rawn pholang.

  1. $ ( '#element' tih chu a ni). popover ( 'tihlan rawh' ) .

.popover(‘thup’) tih a ni.

A elements popover a thup a.

  1. $ ( '#element' tih chu a ni). popover ( ‘thup’ ) tih a ni.

Demo a ni

hover chu popover atan a ni

Alert plugin hi alert-a close functionality dahna tur super tiny class a ni.

Internet atanga thil lachhawng

Bootstrap-alerts.js hmangin

  1. $ ( ".alert-thuchah" ). hriattirna () .

Markup a ni

data-alertI alert message- ah hian attribute add mai la, automatic-in close functionality a pe ang.

Thiltih dan tur

$().alert() a ni.

Alert zawng zawng chu close functionality nen a wrap vek. I alerts te kha khar a nih hunah animate out theih nan, an chungah the .fadeand .inclass apply tawh an neih ngei ngei tur a ni.

.alert('khar') tih a ni.

Alert a khar thin.

  1. $ ( ".alert-thuchah" ). alert ( 'khar' ) .

Demo a ni


Guacamole thianghlim tak! Best check yo self, i hmel a tha lutuk lo.


Aw snap! Error i hmu a! Hei leh chu thlak la, ti leh rawh. A rilru a buai em em a, a rilru a hah em em bawk a, a rilru a buai em em bawk a, a rilru a hah em em bawk a. A rilru a buai em em a, a rilru a hah em em bawk a.