Ejupi contenido principal-pe Eike docs jeguatahápe
in English

Color & fondo rehegua

Emohenda peteĩ fondo color orekóva primer plano color contrastante.

Ko páhinape


Oñemoĩve v5.2.0-pe

Umi pytyvõhára color ha fondo rehegua ombojoaju ñande .text-*utilidad ha .bg-*utilidad pu’aka peteĩ clase-pe. Oipurúvo ñande color-contrast()función Sass, jadetermina ijeheguiete peteĩ contraste colorpeteĩ particular -pe g̃uarã background-color.

¡Akã yvate! Ko’áĝa rupi ndaipóri pytyvõ peteĩ tembiaporã CSS-pegua color-contrast, upévare roipuru ore mba’éva Sass rupive. Kóva he’ise ñamohenda ñande tema sa’ykuéra CSS variable rupive ikatuha omoheñói mba’e’apopy sa’y joavy rehegua ko’ã tembipuru’i ndive.
Primaria orekóva color contrastante
Secundario orekóva color contrastante
Éxito orekóva color contrastante
Peligro orekóva color contrastante
Advertencia orekóva color contrastante
Info con color contrastante rehegua
Tesape orekóva color contrastante
Pytũmby orekóva color contrastante
html rehegua
<div class="text-bg-primary p-3">Primary with contrasting color</div>
<div class="text-bg-secondary p-3">Secondary with contrasting color</div>
<div class="text-bg-success p-3">Success with contrasting color</div>
<div class="text-bg-danger p-3">Danger with contrasting color</div>
<div class="text-bg-warning p-3">Warning with contrasting color</div>
<div class="text-bg-info p-3">Info with contrasting color</div>
<div class="text-bg-light p-3">Light with contrasting color</div>
<div class="text-bg-dark p-3">Dark with contrasting color</div>

Umi componente reheve

Eipuru umíva combinado .text-*ha .bg-*clase rendaguépe, umi insignia reheguáicha :

Tenondeguáva Info
html rehegua
<span class="badge text-bg-primary">Primary</span>
<span class="badge text-bg-info">Info</span>

Térã umi tarhéta ári : .


Oĩ texto techapyrã pya’e oñemopu’ã haĝua pe tarjeta título rehe ha ojapo haĝua pe gran parte pe tarjeta contenido-gui.


Oĩ texto techapyrã pya’e oñemopu’ã haĝua pe tarjeta título rehe ha ojapo haĝua pe gran parte pe tarjeta contenido-gui.

html rehegua
<div class="card text-bg-primary mb-3" style="max-width: 18rem;">
  <div class="card-header">Header</div>
  <div class="card-body">
    <p class="card-text">Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</p>
<div class="card text-bg-info mb-3" style="max-width: 18rem;">
  <div class="card-header">Header</div>
  <div class="card-body">
    <p class="card-text">Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</p>