Mabhurawuza uye zvishandiso
Dzidza nezvemabhurawuza uye zvishandiso, kubva zvazvino kusvika zvekare, zvinotsigirwa neBootstrap, kusanganisira zvinozivikanwa quirks uye tsikidzi kune yega yega.
Mabhurawuza anotsigirwa
Bootstrap inotsigira ichangoburwa, yakagadzikana kuburitswa kwese makuru mabhurawuza uye mapuratifomu. PaWindows, tinotsigira Internet Explorer 10-11 / Microsoft Edge .
Mamwe mabhurawuza anoshandisa yazvino vhezheni yeWebKit, Blink, kana Gecko, ingave yakananga kana kuburikidza neyepuratifomu yewebhu yekuona API, haina kutsigirwa zvakajeka. Nekudaro, Bootstrap inofanirwa (munguva zhinji) kuratidza uye kushanda nemazvo mumabhurawuza aya zvakare. Ruzivo rwakawanda rwerutsigiro rwunopihwa pazasi.
Unogona kuwana mabhurawuza edu anotsigirwa neshanduro dzawo mune yedu.browserslistrc file
>= 1%
last 1 major version
not dead
Chrome >= 45
Firefox >= 38
Edge >= 12
Explorer >= 10
iOS >= 9
Safari >= 9
Android >= 4.4
Opera >= 30
Isu tinoshandisa Autoprefixer kubata inotarirwa bhurawuza rutsigiro kuburikidza neCSS prefixes, iyo inoshandisa Browserslist kubata idzi shanduro dzebrowser. Tarisa zvinyorwa zvavo kuti ungabatanidza sei maturusi aya mumapurojekiti ako.
Mobile midziyo
Kazhinji kutaura, Bootstrap inotsigira ichangoburwa vhezheni yega yega hombe yepuratifomu mabhurawuza. Ziva kuti mabhurawuza (akadai seOpera Mini, Opera Mobile's Turbo modhi, UC Browser Mini, Amazon Silk) haatsigirwe.
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Android Browser & WebView | Microsoft Edge | |
Android | Inotsigirwa | Inotsigirwa | N/A | Android v5.0+ inotsigirwa | Inotsigirwa |
iOS | Inotsigirwa | Inotsigirwa | Inotsigirwa | N/A | Inotsigirwa |
Windows 10 Mobile | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Inotsigirwa |
Desktop browsers
Saizvozvo, ichangoburwa vhezheni yeakawanda desktop browser anotsigirwa.
Chrome | Firefox | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Edge | Opera | Safari | |
Mac | Inotsigirwa | Inotsigirwa | N/A | N/A | Inotsigirwa | Inotsigirwa |
Windows | Inotsigirwa | Inotsigirwa | Inotsigirwa, IE10+ | Inotsigirwa | Inotsigirwa | Haisi kutsigirwa |
YeFirefox, mukuwedzera kune yazvino yakajairwa kuburitswa, isu tinotsigirawo yazvino Yakawedzerwa Rutsigiro Kuburitswa (ESR) vhezheni yeFirefox.
Zvisina pamutemo, Bootstrap inofanirwa kutarisa uye kuzvibata zvakanaka muChromium uye Chrome yeLinux, Firefox yeLinux, uye Internet Explorer 9, kunyangwe isingatsigirwe zviri pamutemo.
Kuti uwane runyoro rwemamwe mabhurawuza ebhurawuza ayo Bootstrap anofanirwa kugadzirisa nawo, ona yedu Wall yebrowser bugs .
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 10+ inotsigirwa; IE9 uye pasi haisi. Ndapota ziva kuti zvimwe zvivakwa zveCSS3 neHTML5 zvinhu hazvina kutsigirwa zvizere muIE10, kana kuti zvinoda prefixed zvivakwa kuti zvishande zvizere. Shanyira Ndinogona kushandisa… kune ruzivo nezverutsigiro rwebrowser yeCSS3 uye HTML5 maficha. Kana iwe uchida rutsigiro rweIE8-9, shandisa Bootstrap 3.
Modals uye kudonha pane mobile
Kufashukira uye kupuruzira
Tsigiro yechinhu overflow: hidden;
pane <body>
inogumira muIOS uye Android. Kuti izvozvo zviitike, kana iwe ukapfuura nepamusoro kana pasi pe modal mune chero yeaya mabhurawuza emidziyo, <body>
zvirimo zvinotanga kupururudza. Ona Chrome bug #175502 (yakagadziriswa muChrome v40) uye WebKit bug #153852 .
iOS zvinyorwa zvinyorwa uye kupuruzira
As of iOS 9.2, while a modal is open, if the initial touch of a scroll gesture is within the boundary of a textual <input>
or a <textarea>
, the <body>
content underneath the modal will be scrolled instead of the modal itself. See WebKit bug #153856.
Navbar Dropdowns
The .dropdown-backdrop
element isn’t used on iOS in the nav because of the complexity of z-indexing. Thus, to close dropdowns in navbars, you must directly click the dropdown element (or any other element which will fire a click event in iOS).
Browser zooming
Page zooming inevitably presents rendering artifacts in some components, both in Bootstrap and the rest of the web. Depending on the issue, we may be able to fix it (search first and then open an issue if need be). However, we tend to ignore these as they often have no direct solution other than hacky workarounds.
Sticky :hover
on iOS
While :hover
isn’t possible on most touch devices, iOS emulates this behavior, resulting in “sticky” hover styles that persist after tapping one element. These hover styles are only removed when users tap another element. This behavior is considered largely undesirable and appears to not be an issue on Android or Windows devices.
Throughout our v4 alpha and beta releases, we included incomplete and commented out code for opting into a media query shim that would disable hover styles in touch device browsers that emulate hovering. This work was never fully completed or enabled, but to avoid complete breakage, we’ve opted to deprecate this shim and keep the mixins as shortcuts for the pseudo-classes.
Even in some modern browsers, printing can be quirky.
As of Safari v8.0, use of the fixed-width .container
class can cause Safari to use an unusually small font size when printing. See issue #14868 and WebKit bug #138192 for more details. One potential workaround is the following CSS:
Android stock browser
Out of the box, Android 4.1 (and even some newer releases apparently) ship with the Browser app as the default web browser of choice (as opposed to Chrome). Unfortunately, the Browser app has lots of bugs and inconsistencies with CSS in general.
Select menu
On <select>
elements, the Android stock browser will not display the side controls if there is a border-radius
and/or border
applied. (See this StackOverflow question for details.) Use the snippet of code below to remove the offending CSS and render the <select>
as an unstyled element on the Android stock browser. The user agent sniffing avoids interference with Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla browsers.
Want to see an example? Check out this JS Bin demo.
In order to provide the best possible experience to old and buggy browsers, Bootstrap uses CSS browser hacks in several places to target special CSS to certain browser versions in order to work around bugs in the browsers themselves. These hacks understandably cause CSS validators to complain that they are invalid. In a couple places, we also use bleeding-edge CSS features that aren’t yet fully standardized, but these are used purely for progressive enhancement.
These validation warnings don’t matter in practice since the non-hacky portion of our CSS does fully validate and the hacky portions don’t interfere with the proper functioning of the non-hacky portion, hence why we deliberately ignore these particular warnings.
Mapepa edu eHTML anewo yambiro diki uye isingakoshesi yeHTML nekuda kwekubatanidzwa kwedu kwekugadzirisa kune imwe Firefox bug .