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Bootstrap 4 ya está aquí!

Bootstrap aswan riqsisqa HTML, CSS chaymanta JS marco kaqmi kutichiq, kuyuchina ñawpaq ruwanakuna web kaqpi ruwanapaq.

Descargar Bootstrap nisqamanta

Kunanqa v3.3.7

Llapa runapaq, maypipas ruwasqa

Bootstrap ñawpaq-tukuy web wiñachiyta aswan utqaylla chaymanta aswan facil ruwan. Ruwasqa runakunapaq tukuy yachay patakuna, dispositivokuna tukuy rikchayniyuq, chaymanta proyectokuna tukuy sayayniyuq.

Sass y Menos apoyo

Preprocesadores nisqakuna

Bootstrap vainilla CSS kaqwan apachin, ichaqa pukyuta codigonqa iskay aswan riqsisqa CSS ñawpaq ruwaqkunata llamk'achin, Less chaymanta Sass . Utqaylla qallariy ñawpaq huñusqa CSS kaqwan utaq pukyuta ruway.

Dispositivokunapura kutichiq

Huk marco, sapa aparato.

Bootstrap easily and efficiently scales your websites and applications with a single code base, from phones to tablets to desktops with CSS media queries.

Componentes nisqakuna

Full of features

With Bootstrap, you get extensive and beautiful documentation for common HTML elements, dozens of custom HTML and CSS components, and awesome jQuery plugins.

Bootstrap is open source. It's hosted, developed, and maintained on GitHub.

View the GitHub project

Premium Bootstrap Themes

Take Bootstrap 4 to the next level with premium themes from our official marketplace—all built on Bootstrap with new components and plugins, docs, and build tools.

Browse themes

Temas de bootstrap

Built with Bootstrap

Millions of amazing sites across the web are being built with Bootstrap. Get started on your own with our growing collection of examples or by exploring some of our favorites.

Bootstrap kaqwan ruwasqa chunkakuna inspirador proyectokunata Bootstrap Expo kaqpi rikuchiyku.

Expo nisqamanta yachay