Nga waahanga ritenga
Nga waahanga hou me nga tauira hei awhina i nga taangata ki te timata wawe me Bootstrap me te whakaatu i nga tikanga pai mo te taapiri atu ki te anga.
He tauira wharangi kotahi ngawari mo nga taiwhanga whakaahua, kopaki, me etahi atu.
Te utu
He tauira wharangi utu i hangaia me nga Kaari me te whakaatu i te pane me te hiku.
Puka taki ritenga e whakaatu ana i o maatau waahanga puka me o raatau ahuatanga whakamana.
He wharangi tauhokohoko e aro nui ana ki nga hua me te matiti whanui me nga mahi whakaahua.
He tauira wharangi kotahi mo te hanga wharangi kaainga ngawari me te ataahua.
Whakaritea te pae whakatere me te carousel, katahi ka taapiri etahi waahanga hou.
Magazine like blog template with header, navigation, featured content.
Basic admin dashboard shell with fixed sidebar and navbar.
Custom form layout and design for a simple sign in form.
Sticky footer
Attach a footer to the bottom of the viewport when page content is short.
Sticky footer navbar
Attach a footer to the bottom of the viewport with a fixed top navbar.
Examples that focus on implementing uses of built-in components provided by Bootstrap.
Starter template
Nothing but the basics: compiled CSS and JavaScript.
Multiple examples of grid layouts with all four tiers, nesting, and more.
Build around the jumbotron with a navbar and some basic grid columns.
Taking the default navbar component and showing how it can be moved, placed, and extended.
Demonstration of all responsive and container options for the navbar.
Navbar pateko
He tauira pae whakatere kotahi o te pae whakaterenga runga pateko me etahi atu ihirangi.
Navbar kua whakatika
He tauira pae whakatere kotahi me te pae whakaterenga o runga me etahi atu ihirangi.
Navbar raro
He tauira pae whakatere kotahi me te pae whakaterenga o raro me etahi atu ihirangi.
Nga whakamatautau
Ko nga tauira e aro ana ki nga ahuatanga me nga tikanga a meake nei.
Ngā tapanga māngi
Puka ataahua ngawari me nga tapanga rewa ki runga i o whakaurunga.
Hurihia to pae whakatere whakawhanui ki te tahua kanapa retireti.