Bootstrap hmangin site rang tak, chhanna pe thei tak tak siam rawh
Frontend toolkit chak tak, tihzauh theih, leh feature tam tak awmna. Sass hmangin build leh customize la, prebuilt grid system leh components te hmang la, JavaScript plugin chak tak tak hmangin project te chu nunna pe rawh.
Bootstrap-a compiled CSS emaw JS emaw chauh i dah tel a ngaih hunah chuan jsDelivr i hmang thei ang . See it in action with our simple quick start , a nih loh leh i project lo awm tur chu jumpstart turin entirnan browse la . Popper leh kan JS te pawh a hranin i dah tel thei bawk .
<!-- CSS only --><linkhref="[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"rel="stylesheet"integrity="sha384-iYQeCzEYFbKjA/T2uDLTpkwGzCiq6soy8tYaI1GyVh/UjpbCx/TYkiZhlZB6+fzT"crossorigin="anonymous">
<!-- JavaScript Bundle with Popper --><scriptsrc="[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"integrity="sha384-u1OknCvxWvY5kfmNBILK2hRnQC3Pr17a+RTT6rIHI7NnikvbZlHgTPOOmMi466C8"crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Kan tan tirh dan tur kaihhruaina te chhiar la
Kan official guide te nen project thara Bootstrap source files te dah tel dan tur jump la rawh.
Bootstrap hian Sass hi modular leh customizable architecture atan a hmang a. I mamawh components chauh import la, gradient leh shadow ang chi global options enable la, kan variable, map, function, leh mixins te hmangin nangmah ngeiin CSS ziak rawh.
Stylesheet pakhat import la, kan CSS feature zawng zawng nen races-ah i chhuak ang.
// Variable overrides first
$primary:#900;$enable-shadows:true;$prefix:"mo-";// Then import Bootstrap
CSS variable hmangin real-time-a siam leh tihzauh theih a ni
Bootstrap 5 hi release apiangin a lo thang chho zel a, global theme styles, individual components, leh utilities thlengin CSS variables te chu a hmang tangkai zawk thei a ni. :rootKhawi hmunah pawh hman theih tur level -ah color, font style leh a dangte atan variable dozens kan pe a . Component leh utilities-ah chuan CSS variable te chu a kaihhnawih class-ah scope a ni a, awlsam takin a siam danglam theih bawk.
Kan global :rootvariable eng pawh hmang la , style thar ziak rawh. CSS variable te hian var(--bs-variableName)syntax an hmang a, children element te hian an inherit thei bawk.
Bootstrap chu i duh ang taka siam turin global, component, emaw utility class variable te chu override la. Rule tin redeclare a ngai tawh lo, variable value thar chauh a ni.
Bootstrap 5-a thil thar, kan utilities te chu kan Utility API hmangin kan siam chhuak tawh a ni. Feature-packed Sass map angin kan siam a, awlsam leh rang taka siam theih a ni. Utility class engmah add, remove, modify hi a awlsam ngai lo. Utilities te chu responsive takin siam la, pseudo-class variant te dah la, custom name pe rawh.
// Create and extend utilities with the Utility API
jQuery tel lova JavaScript plugins chak tak tak a awm bawk
A awlsam zawngin toggleable hidden elements, modals leh offcanvas menus, popovers leh tooltips te, leh thil dang tam tak add theih—jQuery tel lovin. dataBootstrap-a JavaScript hi HTML-first a ni a, chu chu plugins dah belh hi attribute dah ang maia awlsam a ni tihna a ni. Control tam zawk mamawh em? Plugin pakhat zel chu programmatic takin dah tel bawk ang che.
HTML i ziah theih laiin engvangin nge JavaScript tam zawk ziah? dataBootstrap-a JavaScript plugin zawng zawng deuhthaw hian first-class data API a nei a, attribute dah belh mai mai hmangin JavaScript i hmang thei a ni.
Bootstrap hian plugin dozen zet a nei a, chu chu eng project ah pawh i drop thei a ni. Vawi khatah paih vek la, a nih loh leh i mamawh chauh thlang rawh.
Bootstrap Icons hi open source SVG icon library a ni a, glyph 1,500 chuang a awm a, release apiangin a dang a dah belh zel a ni. Eng project pawha thawk thei tura siam an ni a, Bootstrap ngei pawh hmang emaw hmang lo emaw pawh nise. SVG emaw icon font emaw angin hmang la—option pahnih hian vector scaling leh CSS hmanga customization awlsam tak a pe che a ni.
Bootstrap hi official Bootstrap Themes marketplace atanga premium themes hmangin level sang zawkah hruai rawh . Theme te hi Bootstrap ah hian anmahni extended framework angin an siam a, component leh plugin thar, documentation leh build tool chak tak tak nen a hausa hle.