SourceInput Grupp
Einfach Formkontrolle verlängeren andeems Dir Text, Knäppercher oder Knäppercher op béide Säiten vun textuellen Inputen addéiere wëllt, personaliséiert Selektiounen a personaliséiert Dateieinputen.
Basis Beispill
Plaz een Add-on oder Knäppchen op béide Säiten vun engem Input. Dir kënnt och een op béide Säiten vun engem Input setzen. Erënneren engem Plaz <label>
s ausserhalb der Input Grupp.
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<span class= "input-group-text" id= "basic-addon1" > @</span>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" placeholder= "Username" aria-label= "Username" aria-describedby= "basic-addon1" >
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" placeholder= "Recipient's username" aria-label= "Recipient's username" aria-describedby= "basic-addon2" >
<div class= "input-group-append" >
<span class= "input-group-text" id= "basic-addon2" ></span>
<label for= "basic-url" > Your vanity URL</label>
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<span class= "input-group-text" id= "basic-addon3" ></span>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" id= "basic-url" aria-describedby= "basic-addon3" >
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<span class= "input-group-text" > $</span>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Amount (to the nearest dollar)" >
<div class= "input-group-append" >
<span class= "input-group-text" > .00</span>
<div class= "input-group" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<span class= "input-group-text" > With textarea</span>
<textarea class= "form-control" aria-label= "With textarea" ></textarea>
Input Gruppen wéckelen par défaut iwwer flex-wrap: wrap
fir personaliséiert Formfeldvalidatioun an enger Inputgrupp z'empfänken. Dir kënnt dëst mat .flex-nowrap
<div class= "input-group flex-nowrap" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<span class= "input-group-text" id= "addon-wrapping" > @</span>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" placeholder= "Username" aria-label= "Username" aria-describedby= "addon-wrapping" >
Füügt déi relativ Formgréisst Klassen un d' .input-group
Selbst an d'Inhalter bannen wäerten automatesch d'Gréisst änneren - kee Besoin fir d'Form Kontrollgréisst Klassen op all Element ze widderhuelen.
Gréisst op déi eenzel Input Grupp Elementer gëtt net ënnerstëtzt.
<div class= "input-group input-group-sm mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<span class= "input-group-text" id= "inputGroup-sizing-sm" > Small</span>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Sizing example input" aria-describedby= "inputGroup-sizing-sm" >
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<span class= "input-group-text" id= "inputGroup-sizing-default" > Default</span>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Sizing example input" aria-describedby= "inputGroup-sizing-default" >
<div class= "input-group input-group-lg" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<span class= "input-group-text" id= "inputGroup-sizing-lg" > Large</span>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Sizing example input" aria-describedby= "inputGroup-sizing-lg" >
Checkboxen a Radioen
Setzt all Checkbox oder Radiooptioun an engem Addon vun engem Inputgrupp amplaz vum Text.
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<div class= "input-group-text" >
<input type= "checkbox" aria-label= "Checkbox for following text input" >
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Text input with checkbox" >
<div class= "input-group" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<div class= "input-group-text" >
<input type= "radio" aria-label= "Radio button for following text input" >
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Text input with radio button" >
Wärend Multiple <input>
s visuell ënnerstëtzt ginn, sinn Validatiounsstiler nëmme verfügbar fir Inputgruppen mat enger eenzeger <input>
<div class= "input-group" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<span class= "input-group-text" > First and last name</span>
<input type= "text" aria-label= "First name" class= "form-control" >
<input type= "text" aria-label= "Last name" class= "form-control" >
Multiple Addons
Multiple Add-ons ginn ënnerstëtzt a kënne mat Checkbox a Radio Input Versioune gemëscht ginn.
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<span class= "input-group-text" > $</span>
<span class= "input-group-text" > 0.00</span>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Dollar amount (with dot and two decimal places)" >
<div class= "input-group" >
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Dollar amount (with dot and two decimal places)" >
<div class= "input-group-append" >
<span class= "input-group-text" > $</span>
<span class= "input-group-text" > 0.00</span>
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" type= "button" id= "button-addon1" > Button</button>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" placeholder= "" aria-label= "Example text with button addon" aria-describedby= "button-addon1" >
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" placeholder= "Recipient's username" aria-label= "Recipient's username" aria-describedby= "button-addon2" >
<div class= "input-group-append" >
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" type= "button" id= "button-addon2" > Button</button>
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" id= "button-addon3" >
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" type= "button" > Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" type= "button" > Button</button>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" placeholder= "" aria-label= "Example text with two button addons" aria-describedby= "button-addon3" >
<div class= "input-group" >
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" placeholder= "Recipient's username" aria-label= "Recipient's username with two button addons" aria-describedby= "button-addon4" >
<div class= "input-group-append" id= "button-addon4" >
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" type= "button" > Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" type= "button" > Button</button>
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary dropdown-toggle" type= "button" data-toggle= "dropdown" aria-haspopup= "true" aria-expanded= "false" > Dropdown</button>
<div class= "dropdown-menu" >
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Action</a>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Another action</a>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Something else here</a>
<div role= "separator" class= "dropdown-divider" ></div>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Separated link</a>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Text input with dropdown button" >
<div class= "input-group" >
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Text input with dropdown button" >
<div class= "input-group-append" >
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary dropdown-toggle" type= "button" data-toggle= "dropdown" aria-haspopup= "true" aria-expanded= "false" > Dropdown</button>
<div class= "dropdown-menu" >
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Action</a>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Another action</a>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Something else here</a>
<div role= "separator" class= "dropdown-divider" ></div>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Separated link</a>
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<button type= "button" class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" > Action</button>
<button type= "button" class= "btn btn-outline-secondary dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split" data-toggle= "dropdown" aria-haspopup= "true" aria-expanded= "false" >
<span class= "sr-only" > Toggle Dropdown</span>
<div class= "dropdown-menu" >
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Action</a>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Another action</a>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Something else here</a>
<div role= "separator" class= "dropdown-divider" ></div>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Separated link</a>
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Text input with segmented dropdown button" >
<div class= "input-group" >
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" aria-label= "Text input with segmented dropdown button" >
<div class= "input-group-append" >
<button type= "button" class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" > Action</button>
<button type= "button" class= "btn btn-outline-secondary dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split" data-toggle= "dropdown" aria-haspopup= "true" aria-expanded= "false" >
<span class= "sr-only" > Toggle Dropdown</span>
<div class= "dropdown-menu" >
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Action</a>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Another action</a>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Something else here</a>
<div role= "separator" class= "dropdown-divider" ></div>
<a class= "dropdown-item" href= "#" > Separated link</a>
Inputgruppen enthalen Ënnerstëtzung fir personaliséiert Selektiounen a personaliséiert Dateieinputen. Browser Standard Versioune vun dësen sinn net ënnerstëtzt.
Benotzerdefinéiert wielt
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<label class= "input-group-text" for= "inputGroupSelect01" > Options</label>
<select class= "custom-select" id= "inputGroupSelect01" >
<option selected > Choose...</option>
<option value= "1" > One</option>
<option value= "2" > Two</option>
<option value= "3" > Three</option>
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<select class= "custom-select" id= "inputGroupSelect02" >
<option selected > Choose...</option>
<option value= "1" > One</option>
<option value= "2" > Two</option>
<option value= "3" > Three</option>
<div class= "input-group-append" >
<label class= "input-group-text" for= "inputGroupSelect02" > Options</label>
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" type= "button" > Button</button>
<select class= "custom-select" id= "inputGroupSelect03" aria-label= "Example select with button addon" >
<option selected > Choose...</option>
<option value= "1" > One</option>
<option value= "2" > Two</option>
<option value= "3" > Three</option>
<div class= "input-group" >
<select class= "custom-select" id= "inputGroupSelect04" aria-label= "Example select with button addon" >
<option selected > Choose...</option>
<option value= "1" > One</option>
<option value= "2" > Two</option>
<option value= "3" > Three</option>
<div class= "input-group-append" >
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" type= "button" > Button</button>
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<span class= "input-group-text" id= "inputGroupFileAddon01" > Upload</span>
<div class= "custom-file" >
<input type= "file" class= "custom-file-input" id= "inputGroupFile01" aria-describedby= "inputGroupFileAddon01" >
<label class= "custom-file-label" for= "inputGroupFile01" > Choose file</label>
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "custom-file" >
<input type= "file" class= "custom-file-input" id= "inputGroupFile02" >
<label class= "custom-file-label" for= "inputGroupFile02" aria-describedby= "inputGroupFileAddon02" > Choose file</label>
<div class= "input-group-append" >
<span class= "input-group-text" id= "inputGroupFileAddon02" > Upload</span>
<div class= "input-group mb-3" >
<div class= "input-group-prepend" >
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" type= "button" id= "inputGroupFileAddon03" > Button</button>
<div class= "custom-file" >
<input type= "file" class= "custom-file-input" id= "inputGroupFile03" aria-describedby= "inputGroupFileAddon03" >
<label class= "custom-file-label" for= "inputGroupFile03" > Choose file</label>
<div class= "input-group" >
<div class= "custom-file" >
<input type= "file" class= "custom-file-input" id= "inputGroupFile04" aria-describedby= "inputGroupFileAddon04" >
<label class= "custom-file-label" for= "inputGroupFile04" > Choose file</label>
<div class= "input-group-append" >
<button class= "btn btn-outline-secondary" type= "button" id= "inputGroupFileAddon04" > Button</button>
Écran Lieser wäerten Problemer mat Äre Formulairen hunn wann Dir kee Label fir all Input enthält. Fir dës Inputgruppen, suergt dofir datt all zousätzlech Label oder Funktionalitéit un Hëllefstechnologien vermëttelt gëtt.
Déi genee Technik déi benotzt gëtt ( <label>
Elementer verstoppt mat der .sr-only
Klass, oder d'Benotzung vun den Attributer aria-label
an aria-labelledby
, méiglecherweis a Kombinatioun mat aria-describedby
) a wéi eng zousätzlech Informatioune musse vermëttelt ginn, variéieren jee no der exakt Aart vum Interface Widget, deen Dir implementéiert. D'Beispiller an dëser Rubrik bidden e puer proposéiert, case-spezifesch Approche.