Reboot, berhevokek guheztinên CSS-ê yên taybetî yên di pelek yekane de, Bootstrap-ê dest pê dike da ku bingehek xweşik, domdar û hêsan peyda bike ku li ser were avakirin.
Reboot li ser Normalîzekirinê ava dibe, ku gelek hêmanên HTML-ê bi şêwazên hinekî ramanbar peyda dike ku tenê hilbijêrên hêmanan bikar tînin. Şêweya pêvek tenê bi dersan re tê kirin. Mînakî, em hin <table>
şêwazan ji bo bingehek hêsan ji nû ve dest pê dikin û paşê .table
, .table-bordered
, û bêtir peyda dikin.
Li vir rêwerz û sedemên me hene ku ji bo hilbijartina tiştê ku di Reboot-ê de derbas bikin:
- Hin nirxên xwerû yên gerokê nûve bikin da ku
s-yê li şûnaem
s-ê ji bo veqetandina pêkhateyên berbelavkirî bikar bînin. - Xwe dûr bixin
. Mercên vertîkal dikarin hilweşin, encamên nediyar derxînin. Lêbelê ya girîngtir, rêgezek yekanemargin
modelek derûnî ya hêsan e. - Ji bo pîvandina hêsantir di nav mezinahiyên cîhazê de, divê hêmanên blokê s-
yê ji bomargin
s-yê bikar bînin. - Daxuyaniyên
taybetmendiyên -girêdayî herî kêm bihêlin,inherit
gava ku gengaz be bikar bînin.
Pêşniyarên rûpelê
Hêman <html>
û <body>
hêman têne nûve kirin da ku pêşnumayên li seranserê rûpelê çêtir peyda bikin. Bi taybetî bêtir:
- Di
gerdûnî de li ser her hêmanek tête danîn-di nav de*::before
, ji boborder-box
. Ev piştrast dike ku firehiya diyarkirî ya hêmanê ji ber peldank an sînor qet derbas nabe. - No bingehek
li ser<html>
, lê16px
tê texmîn kirin (geroka xwerû).font-size: 1rem
bo pîvandina tîpa bersivdar a hêsan bi navgîniya pirsnameyên medyayê ve tê sepandin dema ku rêz li tercîhên bikarhêner digire û nêzîkatiyek gihîştîtir peyda dike. - Di
heman demê de gerdûnekfont-family
û, ûtext-align
. Ev paşê ji hêla hin hêmanên formê ve tê mîras kirin da ku pêşî li nakokiyên tîpan bigire. - Ji bo ewlehiyê,
xwedan navnîşek diyarkirî yebackground-color
, ku ji#fff
Pişka tîpên xwemalî
Tîpnivîsên webê yên xwerû (Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, û Arial) di Bootstrap 4 de hatine avêtin û ji bo veguheztina nivîsê ya herî baş li ser her amûr û OS-ê bi "pişkek tîpên xwemalî" hatine veguheztin. Di vê gotara Kovara Smashing de li ser stûnên tîpên xwemalî bêtir bixwînin .
// Safari for macOS and iOS (San Francisco)
// Chrome < 56 for macOS (San Francisco)
// Windows
"Segoe UI",
// Android
// Basic web fallback
"Helvetica Neue", Arial,
// Linux
"Noto Sans",
"Liberation Sans",
// Sans serif fallback
// Emoji fonts
"Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji" !default;
Bala xwe bidinê ku ji ber ku stûna tîpan tîpên emoji vedihewîne, gelek karakterên Unicode yên sembol/dingbat hevpar dê wekî wênekêşên pirreng werin pêşkêş kirin. Dê xuyangê wan cûda be, li gorî şêwaza ku di fontê emoji ya xwemalî ya gerok/platformê de tê bikar anîn, û ew ê ji tu color
şêwazên CSS-ê bandor nebin.
Ev li seranserê Bootstrap-ê li seranserê gerdûnî û bixweber mîras font-family
tê sepandin . <body>
Ji bo veguherîna gerdûnî , Bootstrap- ê font-family
nûve bikin û ji nû ve berhev bikin.$font-family-base
Sernav û paragraf
Hemî hêmanên sernavê - mînak, - û ji bo <h1>
rakirina <p>
wan têne nûve margin-top
kirin. Sernav margin-bottom: .5rem
û paragraf margin-bottom: 1rem
ji bo veqetandina hêsan lê zêde kirine.
Sernivîs | Mînak |
<h1></h1> |
h1. Sernavê Bootstrap |
<h2></h2> |
h2. Sernavê Bootstrap |
<h3></h3> |
h3. Sernavê Bootstrap |
<h4></h4> |
h4. Sernavê Bootstrap |
<h5></h5> |
h5. Sernavê Bootstrap |
<h6></h6> |
h6. Bootstrap heading |
All lists—<ul>
, <ol>
, and <dl>
—have their margin-top
removed and a margin-bottom: 1rem
. Nested lists have no margin-bottom
- All lists have their top margin removed
- And their bottom margin normalized
- Nested lists have no bottom margin
- This way they have a more even appearance
- Particularly when followed by more list items
- The left padding has also been reset
- Here’s an ordered list
- With a few list items
- It has the same overall look
- As the previous unordered list
For simpler styling, clear hierarchy, and better spacing, description lists have updated margin
s. <dd>
s reset margin-left
to 0
and add margin-bottom: .5rem
. <dt>
s are bolded.
- Description lists
- A description list is perfect for defining terms.
- Term
- Definition for the term.
- A second definition for the same term.
- Another term
- Definition for this other term.
Preformatted text
The <pre>
element is reset to remove its margin-top
and use rem
units for its margin-bottom
.example-element { margin-bottom: 1rem; }
Tables are slightly adjusted to style <caption>
s, collapse borders, and ensure consistent text-align
throughout. Additional changes for borders, padding, and more come with the .table
Table heading | Table heading | Table heading | Table heading |
Table cell | Table cell | Table cell | Table cell |
Table cell | Table cell | Table cell | Table cell |
Table cell | Table cell | Table cell | Table cell |
Various form elements have been rebooted for simpler base styles. Here are some of the most notable changes:
s have no borders, padding, or margin so they can be easily used as wrappers for individual inputs or groups of inputs.<legend>
s, like fieldsets, have also been restyled to be displayed as a heading of sorts.<label>
s are set todisplay: inline-block
to allowmargin
to be applied.<input>
s, and<button>
s are mostly addressed by Normalize, but Reboot removes theirmargin
and setsline-height: inherit
, too.<textarea>
s are modified to only be resizable vertically as horizontal resizing often “breaks” page layout.<button>
s and<input>
button elements havecursor: pointer
These changes, and more, are demonstrated below.
Pointers on buttons
Reboot includes an enhancement for role="button"
to change the default cursor to pointer
. Add this attribute to elements to help indicate elements are interactive. This role isn’t necessary for <button>
elements, which get their own cursor
<span role="button" tabindex="0">Non-button element button</span>
Misc elements
The <address>
element is updated to reset the browser default font-style
from italic
to normal
. line-height
is also now inherited, and margin-bottom: 1rem
has been added. <address>
s are for presenting contact information for the nearest ancestor (or an entire body of work). Preserve formatting by ending lines with <br>
1355 Market St, Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94103
P: (123) 456-7890 Full Name
[email protected]
The default margin
on blockquotes is 1em 40px
, so we reset that to 0 0 1rem
for something more consistent with other elements.
A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element.
Inline elements
The <abbr>
element receives basic styling to make it stand out amongst paragraph text.
The default cursor
on summary is text
, so we reset that to pointer
to convey that the element can be interacted with by clicking on it.
Some details
More info about the details.
Even more details
Here are even more details about the details.
HTML5 [hidden]
HTML5 adds a new global attribute named [hidden]
, which is styled as display: none
by default. Borrowing an idea from PureCSS, we improve upon this default by making [hidden] { display: none !important; }
to help prevent its display
from getting accidentally overridden. While [hidden]
isn’t natively supported by IE10, the explicit declaration in our CSS gets around that problem.
<input type="text" hidden>
jQuery incompatibility
is not compatible with jQuery’s $(...).hide()
and $(...).show()
methods. Therefore, we don’t currently especially endorse [hidden]
over other techniques for managing the display
of elements.
To merely toggle the visibility of an element, meaning its display
is not modified and the element can still affect the flow of the document, use the .invisible
class instead.