A’ gluasad gu v3.x
Stiùireadh air mar a nì thu ùrachadh bho Bootstrap v2.x gu v3.x le cuideam air atharrachaidhean mòra, dè a tha ùr, agus dè a chaidh a thoirt air falbh.
Stiùireadh air mar a nì thu ùrachadh bho Bootstrap v2.x gu v3.x le cuideam air atharrachaidhean mòra, dè a tha ùr, agus dè a chaidh a thoirt air falbh.
Chan eil Bootstrap 3 co-chòrdail air ais ri v2.x. Cleachd an earrann seo mar stiùireadh coitcheann airson ùrachadh bho v2.x gu v3.0. Airson sealladh farsaing nas fharsainge, faic na tha ùr san fhoillseachadh v3.0 release.
Tha an clàr seo a' sealltainn nan atharrachaidhean stoidhle eadar v2.x agus v3.0.
Bootstrap 2.x | Bootstrap 3.0 |
.row-fluid |
.row |
.span* |
.col-md-* |
.offset* |
.col-md-offset-* |
.brand |
.navbar-brand |
.navbar .nav |
.navbar-nav |
.nav-collapse |
.navbar-collapse |
.nav-toggle |
.navbar-toggle |
.btn-navbar |
.navbar-btn |
.hero-unit |
.jumbotron |
.icon-* |
.glyphicon .glyphicon-* |
.btn |
.btn .btn-default |
.btn-mini |
.btn-xs |
.btn-small |
.btn-sm |
.btn-large |
.btn-lg |
.alert |
.alert .alert-warning |
.alert-error |
.alert-danger |
.visible-phone |
.visible-xs |
.visible-tablet |
.visible-sm |
.visible-desktop |
Roinn a-steach.visible-md .visible-lg |
.hidden-phone |
.hidden-xs |
.hidden-tablet |
.hidden-sm |
.hidden-desktop |
Roinn a-steach.hidden-md .hidden-lg |
.input-block-level |
.form-control |
.control-group |
.form-group |
.control-group.warning .control-group.error .control-group.success |
.form-group.has-* |
.checkbox.inline .radio.inline |
.checkbox-inline .radio-inline |
.input-prepend .input-append |
.input-group |
.add-on |
.input-group-addon |
.img-polaroid |
.img-thumbnail |
ul.unstyled |
.list-unstyled |
ul.inline |
.list-inline |
.muted |
.text-muted |
.label |
.label .label-default |
.label-important |
.label-danger |
.text-error |
.text-danger |
.table .error |
.table .danger |
.bar |
.progress-bar |
.bar-* |
.progress-bar-* |
.accordion |
.panel-group |
.accordion-group |
.panel .panel-default |
.accordion-heading |
.panel-heading |
.accordion-body |
.panel-collapse |
.accordion-inner |
.panel-body |
Tha sinn air eileamaidean ùra a chur ris agus air feadhainn a th’ ann mu thràth atharrachadh. Seo na stoidhlichean ùra no ùraichte.
Eileamaid | Tuairisgeul |
Panalan | .panel .panel-default .panel-body .panel-title .panel-heading .panel-footer .panel-collapse |
Dèan liosta de bhuidhnean | .list-group .list-group-item .list-group-item-text .list-group-item-heading |
Glyphicons | .glyphicon |
Jumbotron | .jumbotron |
Grid bheag a bharrachd (<768px) | .col-xs-* |
Grid bheag (≥768px) | .col-sm-* |
Grid meadhanach (≥992px) | .col-md-* |
Clèithe mòr (≥1200px) | .col-lg-* |
Clasaichean goireasan freagairteach (≥1200px) | .visible-lg .hidden-lg |
Offsets | .col-sm-offset-* .col-md-offset-* .col-lg-offset-* |
Brùth | .col-sm-push-* .col-md-push-* .col-lg-push-* |
Tarraing | .col-sm-pull-* .col-md-pull-* .col-lg-pull-* |
Meudan àirde cuir a-steach | .input-sm .input-lg |
Buidhnean cuir a-steach | .input-group .input-group-addon .input-group-btn |
Foirmean smachd a | .form-control .form-group |
Meud buidheann putanan | .btn-group-xs .btn-group-sm .btn-group-lg |
Teacs navbar | .navbar-text |
Ceann-cinn navbar | .navbar-header |
Tabaichean / pills air am fìreanachadh | .nav-justified |
Dealbhan freagairteach | .img-responsive |
Sreathan clàr co-theacsail | .success .danger .warning .active .info |
Pannalan co-theacsail | .panel-success .panel-danger .panel-warning .panel-info |
Modal | .modal-dialog .modal-content |
Dealbh mion-dhealbh | .img-thumbnail |
Meudan math | .well-sm .well-lg |
Ceanglaichean rabhaidh | .alert-link |
Chaidh na h-eileamaidean a leanas a leigeil sìos no atharrachadh ann an v3.0.
Eileamaid | Air a thoirt air falbh bho 2.x | 3.0 Co-ionann |
Foirm gnìomhan | .form-actions |
Chan eil |
Foirm lorg | .form-search |
Chan eil |
Luchdaich a-nuas am buidheann le fiosrachadh | .control-group.info |
Chan eil |
Meudan cuir a-steach leud stèidhichte | .input-mini .input-small .input-medium .input-large .input-xlarge .input-xxlarge |
Cleachd .form-control agus an siostam clèithe na àite. |
Cuir a-steach foirm ìre bloc | .input-block-level |
Chan eil co-ionann dìreach ann, ach tha smachdan fhoirmean coltach. |
Putanan inverse | .btn-inverse |
Chan eil |
Sreath fluid | .row-fluid |
.row (chan eil cliath stèidhichte nas motha) |
A 'cumail smachd air wrapper | .controls |
Chan eil |
Sreath smachd | .controls-row |
.row neo.form-group |
Navbar a-staigh | .navbar-inner |
Chan eil |
Roinnean inghearach Navbar | .navbar .divider-vertical |
Chan eil |
Fo-chlàr tuiteam-sìos | .dropdown-submenu |
Chan eil |
Co-thaobhadh tab | .tabs-left .tabs-right .tabs-below |
Chan eil |
Raon tabable stèidhichte air pill | .pill-content |
.tab-content |
Pane sgìre tabable stèidhichte air pill | .pill-pane |
.tab-pane |
Nav lists | .nav-list .nav-header |
No direct equivalent, but list groups and .panel-group s are similar. |
Inline help for form controls | .help-inline |
No exact equivalent, but .help-block is similar. |
Non-bar-level progress colors | .progress-info .progress-success .progress-warning .progress-danger |
Use .progress-bar-* on the .progress-bar instead. |
Other changes in v3.0 are not immediately apparent. Base classes, key styles, and behaviors have been adjusted for flexibility and our mobile first approach. Here's a partial list:
class on the element to style..form-control
class applied are now 100% wide by default. Wrap inputs inside <div class="col-*"></div>
to control input widths..badge
no longer has contextual (-success,-primary,etc..) classes..btn
must also use .btn-default
to get the "default" button..row
is now fluid..img-responsive
for fluid <img>
, are now font based. Icons also require a base and icon class (e.g. .glyphicon .glyphicon-asterisk
, .modal-body
, and .modal-footer
sections are now wrapped in .modal-content
and .modal-dialog
for better mobile styling and behavior. Also, you should no longer apply .hide
to .modal
in your markup.remote
roghainn modal a-nis air a chuir a-steach don .modal-content
(bho v3.0.0 gu v3.0.3, a-steach don .modal
) an àite a-steach don fhaidhle .modal-body
. Leigidh seo leat cuideachd bann-cinn is bonn-coise a’ mhodail atharrachadh gu furasta, chan e dìreach am buidheann modal.data-toggle="buttons"
an àite data-toggle="buttons-checkbox"
no data-toggle="buttons-radio"
nan comharradh.'show.bs.modal'
. Airson tabaichean “air an sealltainn”, cleachd 'shown.bs.tab'
, msaa.Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu ùrachadh gu v3.0, agus criomagan còd bhon choimhearsnachd, faic Bootply .