
Wall of browser bugs

Bootstrap is currently working around several outstanding browser bugs in major browsers to deliver the best cross-browser experience possible. Some bugs, like those listed below, cannot be solved by us.

We publicly list browser bugs that are impacting us here, in the hopes of expediting the process of fixing them. For information on Bootstrap's browser compatibility, see our browser compatibility docs .

see also:

Browser(s) Summary of bug Upstream bug(s) Bootstrap issue(s)

Visual artifacts in scrollable modal dialogs

Edge issue #9011176 #20755

Native browser tooltip for titleshows on first keyboard focus (in addition to custom tooltip component)

Edge issue #6793560 #18692

Hovered element still remains in :hoverstate after scrolling away.

Edge issue #5381673 #14211

CSS border-radiussometimes causes lines of bleed-through of the background-colorof the parent element.

Edge issue #3342037 #16671

backgroundof <tr>is only applied to first child cell instead of all cells in the row

Edge issue #5865620 #18504

Background color from lower layer bleeds through transparent border in some cases

Edge issue #6274505 #18228

Hovering over descendant SVG element fires mouseleaveevent at ancestor

Edge issue #7787318 #19670

Active position: fixed; <button>flickers when scrolling

Edge issue #8770398 #20507

.table-borderedwith an empty <tbody>is missing borders.

Mozilla bug #1023761 #13453

If the disabled state of a form control is changed via JavaScript, the normal state doesn't return after refreshing the page.

Mozilla bug #654072 #793

focusevents should not be fired at the documentobject

Mozilla bug #1228802 #18365

Wide floated table doesn't wrap onto new line

Mozilla bug #1277782 #19839

Mouse sometimes not within element for purposes of mouseenter/ mouseleavewhen it's within SVG elements

Mozilla bug #577785 #19670

Layout with floated columns breaks when printing

Mozilla bug #1315994 #21092
Firefox (Windows)

Right border of <select>menu is sometimes missing when screen is set to uncommon resolution

Mozilla bug #545685 #15990
Firefox (macOS & Linux)

Badge widget causes bottom border of Tabs widget to unexpectedly not overlap

Mozilla bug #1259972 #19626
Chrome (macOS)

Clicking above <input type="number">increment button flashes the decrement button.

Chromium issue #419108 Offshoot of #8350 & Chromium issue #337668

CSS infinite linear animation with alpha transparency leaks memory.

Chromium issue #429375 #14409

table-cellborders not overlapping despitemargin-right: -1px

Chromium issue #749848 #17438 , #14237

Don't make :hoversticky on touch-friendly webpages

Chromium issue #370155 #12832

position: absoluteelement that's wider than its column is incorrectly clipped to column boundary

Chromium issue #269061 #20161

Significant performance hit for dynamic SVGs with text depending on the number of fonts in font-family.

Chromium issue #781344 #24673

remunits in media queries should be calculated using font-size: initial, not the root element'sfont-size

WebKit bug #156684 #17403

Link to container with id and tabindex results in container being ignored by VoiceOver (affects skip links)

WebKit bug #163658 #20732

CSS min-widthand max-widthmedia features should not round fractional pixel

WebKit bug #178261 #25166
Safari (macOS)

px, em, and remshould all behave the same in media queries when page zoom is applied

WebKit bug #156687 #17403
Safari (macOS)

Weird button behavior with some <input type="number">elements.

WebKit bug #137269 , Apple Safari Radar #18834768 #8350 , Normalize #283 , Chromium issue #337668
Safari (macOS)

Small font size when printing webpage with fixed-width .container.

WebKit bug #138192 , Apple Safari Radar #19435018 #14868
Safari (iOS)

transform: translate3d(0,0,0);rendering bug.

WebKit bug #138162 , Apple Safari Radar #18804973 #14603
Safari (iOS)

Text input's cursor doesn't move while scrolling the page.

WebKit bug #138201 , Apple Safari Radar #18819624 #14708
Safari (iOS)

Can't move cursor to start of text after entering long string of text into<input type="text">

WebKit bug #148061 , Apple Safari Radar #22299624 #16988
Safari (iOS)

display: blockcauses text of temporal <input>s to become vertically misaligned

WebKit bug #139848 , Apple Safari Radar #19434878 #11266 , #13098
Safari (iOS)

Tapping on <body>doesn't fire clickevents

WebKit bug #151933 #16028
Safari (iOS)

position:fixedis incorrectly positioned when tab bar is visible on iPhone 6S+ Safari

WebKit bug #153056 #18859
Safari (iOS)

Tapping into an <input>element position:fixedscrolls to the top of the page

WebKit bug #153224 , Apple Safari Radar #24235301 #17497
Safari (iOS)

<body>with overflow:hiddenCSS is scrollable on iOS

WebKit bug #153852 #14839
Safari (iOS)

Scroll gesture in text field in position:fixedsometimes element scrolls <body>instead of scrollable ancestor

WebKit bug #153856 #14839
Safari (iOS)

Modal with -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touchdoesn't become scrollable after added text makes it taller

WebKit bug #158342 #17695
Safari (iOS)

Don't make :hoversticky on touch-friendly webpages

WebKit bug #158517 #12832
Safari (iOS)

Element which is position:fixeddisappears after opening a <select>menu

WebKit bug #162362 #20759
Safari (iPad Pro)

Rendering of descendants of position: fixedelement gets clipped on iPad Pro in Landscape orientation

WebKit bug #152637 , Apple Safari Radar #24030853 #18738

Most wanted features

There are several features specified in Web standards which would allow us to make Bootstrap more robust, elegant, or performant, but aren't yet implemented in certain browsers, thus preventing us from taking advantage of them.

We publicly list these “most wanted” feature requests here, in the hopes of expediting the process of getting them implemented.

Browser(s) Summary of features Upstream issue(s) Bootstrap issue(s)

Focusable elements should fire focus event / receive :focus styling when they receive Narrator/accessibility focus

Microsoft A11y UserVoice idea #16717318 #20732

Implement the :dir()pseudo-class from Selectors Level 4

Edge UserVoice idea #12299532 #19984

Implement the HTML5 <dialog>element

Edge UserVoice idea #6508895 #20175

Fire an transitioncancelevent when a CSS transition is canceled

Edge UserVoice idea #15939898 #20618

Implement the of <selector-list>clause of the :nth-child()pseudo-class

Edge User Voice idea #15944476 #20143

Implement the of <selector-list>clause of the :nth-child()pseudo-class

Mozilla bug #854148 #20143

Implement the HTML5 <dialog>element

Mozilla bug #840640 #20175

When virtual focus is on a button or link, fire actual focus on the element, too

Mozilla bug #1000082 #20732

Fire an transitioncancelevent when a CSS transition is canceled

Chromium issue #642487 Chromium issue #437860

Implement the of <selector-list>clause of the :nth-child()pseudo-class

Chromium issue #304163 #20143

Implement the :dir()pseudo-class from Selectors Level 4

Chromium issue #576815 #19984

Fire an transitioncancelevent when a CSS transition is canceled

WebKit bug #161535 #20618

Implement the :dir()pseudo-class from Selectors Level 4

WebKit bug #64861 #19984

Implement the HTML5 <dialog>element

WebKit bug #84635 #20175