

Learn how to include Bootstrap in your project using Webpack 3.

Installing Bootstrap

Install bootstrap as a Node.js module using npm.

Importing JavaScript

Import Bootstrap’s JavaScript by adding this line to your app’s entry point (usually index.js or app.js):

import 'bootstrap';

Alternatively, you may import plugins individually as needed:

import 'bootstrap/js/dist/util';
import 'bootstrap/js/dist/alert';

Bootstrap is dependent on jQuery and Popper, these are defined as peerDependencies, this means that you will have to make sure to add both of them to your package.json using npm install --save jquery popper.js.

Importing Styles

Importing Precompiled Sass

To enjoy the full potential of Bootstrap and customize it to your needs, use the source files as a part of your project’s bundling process.

First, create your own _custom.scss and use it to override the built-in custom variables. Then, use your main Sass file to import your custom variables, followed by Bootstrap:

@import "custom";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

Bootstrap እንዲጠናቀር፣ የሚፈለጉትን ጫኚዎች መጫን እና መጠቀምዎን ያረጋግጡ ፡ sass- loader , postcss-loader with Autoprefixer . በትንሹ ማዋቀር፣ የዌብፓክ ውቅርዎ ይህንን ህግ ወይም ተመሳሳይ ማካተት አለበት፡-

    test: /\.(scss)$/,
    use: [{
      loader: 'style-loader', // inject CSS to page
    }, {
      loader: 'css-loader', // translates CSS into CommonJS modules
    }, {
      loader: 'postcss-loader', // Run post css actions
      options: {
        plugins: function () { // post css plugins, can be exported to postcss.config.js
          return [
    }, {
      loader: 'sass-loader' // compiles Sass to CSS

የተጠናቀረ ሲኤስኤስን በማስመጣት ላይ

በአማራጭ፣ ይህንን መስመር በቀላሉ ወደ የፕሮጀክትዎ መግቢያ ነጥብ በማከል ለአገልግሎት ዝግጁ የሆነውን የBootstrapን CSS መጠቀም ይችላሉ።

import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

በዚህ አጋጣሚ ያለ ምንም ልዩ ማሻሻያ በዌብፓክ ማዋቀር ላይ ያለውን ህግ መጠቀም ትችላለህ ፣ ስታይል ጫኚ እና css - loader ብቻ cssካላስፈለገህ በስተቀር ።sass-loader

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']